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Conscious Response OR Fabricated Reactions?


Life simply took a 360degree turn since 2012 and kept advancing and still continues to.. the person i was 13 yrs ago do not exist now.

She has changed to such an extent that I do not recognise her - you might think- Oh! thats obvious, people evolve!

Yes they do, all of us do. Today I am talking to that Evolved you, I have a message for you.

"Your old ways of processing, coping, reacting in a nutshell BEING will not work anymore.

The Earth, our mother, the planet is ascending or in simple terms evolving. Her frequencies are ascending and she wills her children upgrade too. She wills that we look into our old ways of working and upgrade that too.

Let me give you an example, imagine this - "if you are someone who feels bad about something, keeps quite or fights; then feels bad and apologises and lets pleases people or lets others walk over you." This is not going to work anymore.

You need to be conscious of your reactions, lets call it Conscious Response. Irrespective of the different roles you play Conscious Response is a big thing.

Lets talk about what Conscious Response is:

  • Responses thats not based on past emotional loop holes.

  • Responses that are free of any low vibrating emotions (judgements, jealousy, anger, frustration etc)

  • Responses that is not coming from a place of Love ( another topic coming soon)

  • Responses that are a Reaction.

How can one get to do this at all times?

  • Understand the Emotional Loopholes

  • Understand why you function with low vibrating emotions (the root cause)

  • Understand what is the feeling of having and being love - not being In love.

  • Understand the difference between responses that are conscious and reactions that are sudden or manufactured or muddled or fabricated.

What needs to happen for one to do this at all times?

  • Analyse your thoughts and actions

  • Analyse the reason behind those actions

  • Become mindful

  • Become self aware

  • Heal your past traumas

  • Help your heart heal even from the tiniest of heart breaks.

You got to make the time to work on yourself - Mind, Body and Soul. You might not be able to do all this by yourself, so seek help.

I am here for you!

With Love,

Priya Mani

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