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My Story

I am called many names by people - psycho, weirdo and some. I liked it, I was glad that I was being my Authentic self and not wearing a mask. 

That kind of changed in my late 20s because my parents were very upset with me - my life, my choices, my attitude. So, I began to change - became more timid, obeying, following, killing myself from within, not living. To hide these sorrows I started to be with people who would like/love/use me. 

I went through a portal of abusive relationships because of the fear of abandonment, lack of self-worth, need for approval/validation, and people-pleasing - You name it and I was that. All this made me have no respect for myself and that is when I thought to myself - I was better before, I am broken now. 

That is when I directed everything I was giving outside towards me, every ounce of love, respect, appreciation, support and acceptance.  It was very difficult to do this in your late 20's, am sure you understand!

This was the beginning of my inner work (I didn't know then)


I was better, however, could not be myself. Being myself to me was having the freedom to think, to do, to be; I was to get married and that turned out to be a nightmare.

I was married into a dysfunctional family with an unbothered father, an absent mother and a narcissistic son. While I did everything I could to survive and sustain that relationship with all these dynamics, it was only consuming me from within. I was so stressed that I put on 30 kgs, so I was 105 kgs and was borderline into depression. I simply did not have the confidence to step out of the house or face people. I did not like me, didn't like anyone who looked happy, I didn't want to meet anyone. I was a person whose life was sucked out of - living dead.

I knew I had to end this. I did not know if I dared to go through with it. I kept telling myself - Take one day at a time. Like any family, no one in mine other than my mom supported me. The journey began where I was to support myself through the whole divorce procedure which went on for 5+ years. I went through it by myself - no one to hold or hug!

I am a survivor of abuse, betrayal, and a narcissist marriage and I understand how it feels to be completely lost without hope. I was left feeling completely broken with no confidence.  The only thing that worked for me was "being there for myself" and standing up for myself, no matter how low and down I was. 

I have been suppressed throughout my life AND every time I ROSE, I rose stronger, fiercer, unconventional, and empathetic and gave no fucks to anyone or anything other than me, not in an obnoxious self-centred way. I had gone through so much that I believed that I needed to be protected from everything and everyone around me. That is what happens when you go through traumatic experiences. 


I started enhancing my abilities with the support of any teacher or mentor I felt connected to, I pay gratitude to those who have helped me on my journey. I started with work with a few in 2022 and went through an awakening in March 2023. 

When New energy comes in the old has to go and I almost died in Oct 2023. Yes, I went through an NDE, I got to meet my dad who left us a few years ago, and I was given an option of wanting to stay (wherever I was) or go back; I remember speaking to my dad about the decision I had to make and him advising me on what will happen to the people I belonged to on earth. While I wanted to stay, I had a feeling this had happened multiple times. I had this knowing that I was born on earth with a purpose and If I am to leave without fulfilling it - there is no meaning in this birth. I informed Thoth, that I would like to return to Earth. 

I came out of the ICU in the next 2 days - the doctors were amazed at my survival because they weren't sure if I was going to make it. I came back to life with new energies, information, thought processes, authenticity and most importantly My purpose

Come walk with me on a new path of self-love, healing, manifestation and pure bliss.

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Our Mission

Empower individuals to shine in their true power by addressing shadows and emotional baggage through diverse healing modalities, including shamanic practices, meditation, and hypnotherapy. Our mission is to provide clarity on life's purpose to those who feel stuck and support healers in overcoming their own shadows, enabling them to thrive personally and professionally. Unlike others, we offer an all-in-one solution, delving into the root causes of emotional issues for profound and lasting transformation.

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