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Alchemize your Emotions to Manifest

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Priya Mani Nair is a Spaceholder and Teacher.  


She is a born intuitive and emphatic, with a perspective very different from others she was aound at that moment. Her thought process was too early for her time. 


She is a trained NLP and Hypnotherapy practitioner who acquired the art to work with the higher realms to bring about the healing of the soul.

Her mission is focused on providing the space of spiritual healing through ancient processess.


At the end of darkness is light.
There is Shadow only if there is Light,
Transmute light into the Shadow,
For you to shine bright and Bring light. 


Sirius and Lyrans - The Intergalactic Tribe

You should NEVER be alone when you heal

Reach out

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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"I literally have had one conversation with Priya. And in that what a beautiful direction she gave me in my path! I was in this conflict for over a year and Priya showed me how simple it can be for me to address it with grace. I was scared to express myself to my mother because I was scared that she will reject my feelings. Based on Priya's guidance, I authentically expressed myself and also held space to listen to what my mother had to say in return. Priya's words "go without expectations" created magic for me. And after so many years, I am hopeful for my relationship with my mother. Priya , what a generous, compassionate, loving and guiding force you are. 💕"
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